The TMDSEVM357是一个DM357 数字视频 评估模块. The 数字视频 评估模块套件features the TMS320DM357 ARM+加速度器数字媒体处理器 based on DaVinci technology. With speeds up to 270MHz和MPEG4/H.264 encoding和decoding at DI resolution,此设备 is 理想的用于advanced 数字视频应用和enables greater compression和streaming 功能 用于低成本视频应用. The TMS320DM357处理器和数字视频 评估模块 take advantage of all the工具和support included in the DaVinci technology端口folio to help product developers save months of time. The application编程接口s (APIs) common across DaVinci offerings also means that developers familiar with DaVinci technology or ARM 开发 can quickly develop their products with virtually no learning curve.
● 评估TMS320DM357 ARM+ 加速度器数字多媒体处理器 基于DaVinci技术
● 驱动器用于UART, I2C, SPI, EDMA, NAND,MMC, SD卡, USB 主控/工具,OTG模块
● 视频处理子系统 (显示,捕捉, CCD控制器, 调整, 预览)
● U-引导装载程序
● JPEG/MPEG4 SP/H.263/H.264 BP/G.711编解码器
● Linux 支持包-ISP
● MontaVista 5 专业版 演示工具链 - 2.6.18 Kernel