开关配置Circuit | 单刀单掷 1
●SPST \---|--- 导通电阻On-State Resistance | 160Ω/Ohm 电源电压Voltage - Supply | ±3 V ~ 18 V Description & Applications | BILATERAL SWITCH TC4S66F contains one circuit of bidirectional switches. When control input, CONT is set to"H"level,the impedance between input and output of the switch becomes low and when it is set to "L"level,the switch becomes high .This can be applied for switching of analog signals and digital signals. 描述与应用 | 双向开关 TC4S66F是包含一个双向开关的电路。当控制输入端时,继续被设置为"H"电平,输入和输出之间的开关变低,当它被设置为"L"水平时,开关变为高阻抗,这可应用于模拟信号和数字信号之间的切换。
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IC 模拟开关 TC4S66FU SOT-353 marking/标记 c9
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