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SMF05C 外形尺寸、物理参数、其它

SMF05C 数据手册

Semtech Corporation
0.26 MByte
Semtech Corporation
7 页 / 0.14 MByte
Semtech Corporation
4 页 / 0.12 MByte

SMF05 数据手册

Semtech Corporation
SEMTECH  SMF05  TVS二极管, TVS, SMF系列, 单向, 5 V, 12.5 V, SOT-323, 5 引脚
Semtech Corporation
SEMTECH  SMF05C  TVS二极管, TVS, SMF系列, 单向, 5 V, 12.5 V, SOT-323, 6 引脚
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
4 行瞬态电压抑制器,用于提供 ESD 保护### 瞬态电压抑制器,On Semiconductor
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
ON SEMICONDUCTOR  SMF05CT1G.  二极管阵列, TVS, 100W, 5V, SC-88
Semtech Corporation
TVS Diode Array for ESD and Latch-Up Protection 200W, SMF Series, Semtech200 Watts Peak Pulse Power (tp = 8/20μs) Transient protection for data lines to: IEC 61000-4-2 (ESD) ±15kV (air), ±8kV (contact) IEC 61000-4-4 (EFT) 40A (5/50ns) Protects I/O lines Low leakage current ### 瞬态电压抑制器,Semtech
Semtech Corporation
TVS Diode Array for ESD and Latch-Up Protection 200W, SMF Series, Semtech200 Watts Peak Pulse Power (tp = 8/20μs) Transient protection for data lines to: IEC 61000-4-2 (ESD) ±15kV (air), ±8kV (contact) IEC 61000-4-4 (EFT) 40A (5/50ns) Protects I/O lines Low leakage current ### 瞬态电压抑制器,Semtech
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
ON SEMICONDUCTOR  SMF05CT2G  TVS二极管, TVS, SMF系列, 单向, 13 V, 12.5 V, SC-88, 6 引脚
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
SMF05CT2 瞬态抑制二极管TVS/ESD 5V 8A SOT-363/SC-88/SC70-6 标记6J3
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