类型 | 描述 |
安装方式 | Surface Mount |
引脚数 | 3 Pin |
封装 | SOT-23 |
极性 | NPN |
类型 | 描述 |
产品生命周期 | Not Listed by Manufacturer |
包装方式 | Cut Tape (CT) |
集电极-基极反向击穿电压V(BR)CBOCollector-Base Voltage(VCBO)| 8V \---|--- 集电极-发射极反向击穿电压V(BR)CEOCollector-Emitter Voltage(VCEO)| 5V 集电极连续输出电流ICCollector Current(IC)| 6.5mA 截止频率fTTranstion Frequency(fT)| 2.3GHz 直流电流增益hFEDC Current Gain(hFE)| 40 管压降VCE(sat)Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage| 耗散功率PcPower Dissipation| 30mW Description & Applications| NPN 2 GHz wideband transistor DESCRIPTION NPN transistor in a plastic SOT23 envelope. It is primarily intended for use in RF low power amplifiers, such as in pocket phones, paging systems, etc.The transistor features low current consumption (100 uA to 1 mA); due to its high transition frequency, it also has excellent wideband properties and low noise up to high frequencies. 描述与应用| 2 GHz的宽带晶体管NPN 说明 NPN晶体管在一个塑料SOT23信封。 它的主要目的是利用低功耗射频放大器,如在口袋里的手机,传呼系统等。晶体管具有低电流消耗(100uA到1 mA),由于其高转换频率,它还具有优异的宽带性能和低噪声高频率。
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