The ADM00421是一个评估套件 用于the 开发和评估 of MCP2210设备. The MCP2210 Motherboard 设计to work together with the MCP2210 breakout电路板. The motherboard提供the test points required 用于measurements. It also contains the 8位 I/O expander, 4 channel和12位 ADC, 2 kbit EEPROM, 温度传感器 SPI slave设备. All设备are SPI slaves和控制led by the MCP2210. Demo 软件can be used to demonstrate the MCP2210 as a USB to SPI (Master)设备和allow I/O 控制. The MCP2210设备is detected by a Windows based PC host as a Human 接口设备(HID). The accompanying 软件can be used to exercise the评估套件"s features. It also提供a 参考point 用于users that want to create custom应用基于MCP2210. The SPI Terminal Utility是一个工具that allows low level data exchange at the SPI bus level.
● MCP2210分线板
● 小型插入式电路板, DIP外形(2, 10引脚针座, 600mil间隔)
● 迷你USB连接器
● 可接入SPI总线和所有GP信号
● PICkit 串行分析仪兼容针座
● 3.3或5V跨接器 可选择VDD 支持系统其它部分达500mA
● MCP2210 SPI 从机母板
● MCP2210接口电路板插入式插座, 易于连接至测试点测试SPI总线, GP信号
● PICkit 串行分析仪针座, 可接入MCP23S08
● 电位器允许电压在通道1的模数转换器输入转换
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