最大源漏极电压Vds Drain-Source Voltage| 60V \---|--- 最大栅源极电压Vgs(±) Gate-Source Voltage| 20V 最大漏极电流Id Drain Current| 3A 源漏极导通电阻ΩRds DΩ/Ohmain-SouΩ/Ohmce On-State Ω/Ohmesistance| 0.15Ω/Ohm @1.5A,10V 开启电压Vgs(th) Gate-Source Threshold Voltage| 0.8-2.0V 耗散功率Pd Power Dissipation| 2W Description & Applications| MOS FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR N-CHANNEL MOS FET FOR HIGH-SPEED SWITCHING The 2SK2054 is a N-channel MOS FET of a vertical type and is a switching element that can be directly driven by the output of an IC operating at 5 V. This product has a low ON resistance and superb switching characteristics and is ideal for driving the actuators and DC/DC converters. Features MOS FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR New package intermediate between small signal and power types Gate can be driven by 1.5 V Low ON resistance 描述与应用| MOS场效应晶体管 N沟道MOS FET 高速开关 2SK2054是一个N沟道MOS FET的垂直型 是一种开关元件,可以直接驱动的输出 IC工作在5 V。 该产品具有低导通电阻和一流的开关 特点,是理想的驱动执行器和DC/ DC 转换器。 特性 MOS场效应晶体管 小信号和新的软件包之间的中间 电源类型 栅极可以由1.5 V驱动 低导通电阻
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