类型 | 描述 |
产品生命周期 | Not Listed by Manufacturer |
反向电压VrReverse Voltage| 80V \---|--- 平均整流电流IoAverage Rectified Current| 125mA/0.125A 最大正向压降VFForward Voltage(Vf) | 1.2V 反向恢复时间TrrReverse Recovery Time| 4.0ns 最大耗散功率PdPower Dissipation| 250mW/0.25W Description & Applications| • consists of two high-speed switching diodes with common cAthodes, • High switching speed: mAx. 4 ns • Continuous reVerse VoltAge: mAx. 80 V • RepetitiVe peAk reVerse VoltAge: mAx. 85 V • RepetitiVe peAk forwArd current: mAx. 500 mA. • High-speed switching 描述与应用| •由两个高速开关二极管共阴极, •高开关速度:最大。 4 NS •连续反向电压:最大。 80伏 •重复峰值反向电压:最大。 85 V •重复峰值正向电流:最大。 500毫安。 •高速开关
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